domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013

Did acid attack girl, 20, throw burning liquid on herself? Police seize injured Naomi's laptop amid claims she searched Katie Piper assault before her own horrific experience


Oni Naomi who is 20 years old had an accident when she left work. A person wearing a niqab threw acid on her when she was going home. The accident caused her serious injuries of burns on the face, legs, arms, head and was partially blind, so she was in the hospital for almost a month. She recovered the vision through treatments and she has recovered body parts affected after shehad surgery. Also the best cosmetic surgeon Cap Lesesne American hasoffered to operate her for free wounds. The police continues looking for the attacker and they have different possibiliti how it happened. The police have investigated the boyfriend of 23 years, AtoOwede. They also found in the computer before the accident took place thatshe searched in the Internet about acid attacks and about the ex model KatiePiper who has campaigned for victims with facial disfigurement with acid. This indicates that she may have made the wounds herself. Oni has denied this accusations. This girl has been lucky, because the acid is a dangerous product that can killyou. Often these attacks affect to women and are produced by ex-boyfriends orex-husbands. These women are affected physically and psychologically, because they have afraid to go outside or because they don’t want people to look at them.


Wound = ferida

Deny = negar 

How to celebrate Valentine?

On 14 February is Valentine's Day, this day people show to their loved ones their appreciation. This day is celebrated in different ways depending on the country. For example in Japan they celebrate Tanobata and women are who give chocolate to men of the family, friends or colleagues, as if it were an obligation. But the woman who loves a man gives him another sweet, chocohommei. Also thousands of lovers go to Mount Fuji, to play three times the Bellof Love to convert the special friend in to a true love. In France, in the past, young women went to a house and the men to another, but they were in front so they could talk through the windows. If a man was not attracted by any women, he left the house. If that happen to a woman, to feel good, she could light a fire where she burned photos of the man and she insulted him. In Italy the tradition is that women wait in front of the window of their house for hours before the down and wait for their men to come. This is because a legend wrote by William Shakespeare in Hamlet, say the first man to appear, will marry them that year. Finally in England children celebrate it with special songs and receive gifts like candy, fruit or money. In some areas, they bake special Valentine biscuits.

Placed = situado