domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

The carnival of Río de Janeiro

A good friend

A good friend

Natalia is a great friend for me, because I admire her. She hasn’t the best body of the world but she is very pretty, tall and really nice. She’s blonde hair, brown eyes and she has thick lips. She is very vain, she likes to dress well, to put on her make-up and feel well with herself.

She is extroverted and she likes to know and try new things. She has many friends and is particularly happy, she is always dancing and doing a lot of crazy things. She doesn’t like to study and is very dreamy. She loves dancing, it doesn’t matter where she is, when she listens to music, she dances.

I trust on her very much , she never lie and between us explain everything that happens. We’ve been friends for seven years and she has never let me down.

The Sagrada Família

The Sagrada Familia is the most important monument of Barcelona. The architect of this project was Antonio Gaudí. This monument was begun by Francisco de Paula del Villar, but It was finished by Antonio Gaudí. He changed the building that it was built. When Antonio Gaudí died, he left the map to other person can to continue with the project and finish it. But this monument is not finished. The church is built with the donations that people give, so nobody know when the church finished of built.

The church is full of Christian symbols. For example the windows decorations show the life of Jesus and the history of the faith. It there are eighteen bell towers that symbolize Jesus, the Mother of God, four gospel and twelve apostles. In the interior there are column devoted to Christian cities and continents.

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

The carnival of Río de Janeiro

The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil celebrate forty days before of Pasquas. It marks the beginning of Lent. It is consider the main art show and always appears in the cultural pages of the world. It is a festival popular that for days and this year have more of seven samba schools and there are 72 500 of spectators.
it celebrated in the Sambadrome Sapucaí Marquis that it has been expanded to the carnival of this year, with a design of its creator, the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer.
There were songs and scenes that homage to famous artists, for example Jorge Amado,Candido Portinari and Romero Britto and African cultures and Angola brazilian culture and other topics. After the carnival chose samba school winner.
the Carnival in Brazil is very different compared to the Carnival of Catalunya as the cloth, music, dance, floats...

A young university with a long future ahead of it

The Universitat Autònima de Barcelona (UAB) was founded in 1968. The founders aimed to establish four principles of autonomy: freedom to select teaching staff, admission available to all students (although in limited numbers), freedom to create its own study plants and freedom to administrate the univeristy’s capital. It is therefore a young university, but in its short history it has moved fordware at a rapid pace.
UAB’s structure includes three campuses, all in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and its outskirt.

The new explain that the UAB’s structure includes three campus. One of there is in the Universitat Atònoma. This campus as well as to a significant scientific and technological cluster. This institute create to meet the specific needs for important fields of researched.

We agree that the University carry out the three new campus. This means that are many students in the UAB, 78 undergraduate courses, 125 official master.

Valentine’s day

On February 14th is Valentine’s day, this day celebrate differently in each country to depend on the origin and of the religion. For example in the Nordic countries is the day of lovers. This date is at the time that the birds breed, so this day is the symbol of love and creation.

On the other hand to the people of the Christian religion is the day the people admire the god of love, called Eros or Cupid. In this celebration the people ask favours to the god. The people give he presents for get your ideal couple.

I think that the Valentine’s day is a beautiful day that you can to show your admiration to other persons. But is true that is over-commercialized day, because this day many people buy a gift. In my opinion doesn’t need to give an object for to show a person that you love it. The appreciation to a person is proven every day, not only on 14th of February.

The adventures of food boy

Ezra is the main character of the film, he is an adolescent. He lives with his grandparents and he love to play golf. He has three friends: Joel, Dylan and Shelby. He is in love with Shelby.

He decides to stand for student representative, just discover he has a power, that his grandmother has also. He has the power to make food with his hands. He discover that there are many people have the same power as he. For example many famous cook. He to train for he can to control his power, while he used his power for to impress his friends and became popular in the high school. But a day he lose the control of his power and he doesn’t be able to control it and he turn his high school in a war of food. He must to decide if he lose his power or no. Finally he decide to keep his power.