sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

A young university with a long future ahead of it

The Universitat Autònima de Barcelona (UAB) was founded in 1968. The founders aimed to establish four principles of autonomy: freedom to select teaching staff, admission available to all students (although in limited numbers), freedom to create its own study plants and freedom to administrate the univeristy’s capital. It is therefore a young university, but in its short history it has moved fordware at a rapid pace.
UAB’s structure includes three campuses, all in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and its outskirt.

The new explain that the UAB’s structure includes three campus. One of there is in the Universitat Atònoma. This campus as well as to a significant scientific and technological cluster. This institute create to meet the specific needs for important fields of researched.

We agree that the University carry out the three new campus. This means that are many students in the UAB, 78 undergraduate courses, 125 official master.

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