jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Granada’s city

Last summer I went on holidays to Granada. It is a big and beautiful town. There are a lot of parks. In the parks there are some flowers of different colours and big fountains with decoration. It is very relaxing to stay there and to listen to the sound of water of the fountains.

The most important monument in Granada is La Alhambra where the Islamic kings lived. In la Alhambra there are fountains decorated with Islamic shapes and some statues of animals. This monument has got a big garden, and there are some flowers, trees and bushes. In some areas of the gardens are show. The castle there are tall towers and in the balconies you can to see the different shapes of the bushes.  

Other places that there are near to Granada are Jaen, Sierra Nevada... I recommend to go on holidays to Granada, because I liked the landscape full of vegetation, ancient buildings and architecture Islamic. The weather is fine and the people are cheerful and extroverted. In the narrow streets you can to find small shops where there are Arab interesting things. Also on the streets you can to see show of clowns, musicians, painters…

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

The most resistant material develop by the nature is the spiderweb

The diamond and the spiderweb are most resistant material that the nature created. It’s very surprising that the spiderweb seem so fragile and in reality is more resistant than five sheet of steel. There are spiders that it is spinning all day. These spiderwebs are death traps, because in the traps the other insects stay hook and later the spiders eat it, these spiders live so. Also they make doors to their burrows in the ground for that they can to move. The scientist Markus Buehler found out that the web is so resistant because it is to consist to the distribution of hydrogen bond that exist between proteins. The thread of a spider can to stretch until thirty centimeters and it doesn’t break.
Technology has been researching to create artificial materials that it is very resistant, but the materials created by nature are more resistant. I think that the discovery of the resistant spiderweb in the future will can to make things with this material.

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

The gardens of London 2012

London wanted to create parks of wild flowers to decorate around of the Olympic Park. But expert gardener said that the climate of Britain continuosly is changing and so it can’t to grow and there will not flowers to the Olympics Games London 2012. To cause for a rainy month and bad weather, the parks of flowers were damage, but experts said that it come back to grow without problem.
LOCOG organizers created a program “Garden Games”, to cheer the people up to plant flowers and vegetables with the Olympics colors. Also participated the “Master Organic Garden” and one thousand voluntaries help to prepare the gardens for the event.
LOCOG is giving piece of advice about how transform individual gardens and public gardens in schools and around the workplace.
Since two years, they were doing proves in the field to arrive the event  with the gardens ready. In the parks planted 4.000 trees, 300.000 plants of damp areas, 15.000 square meter of grass and 150.000 perennial plants and shrub. They put 250 benchs in the parks.  At the same time they created habitats for animals, for exemple frogs, bats and wall lizards.
In my opinion with these activities for look after the gardens, plant flowers... the London city obtained economic benefits. Too to cheer the english people up to protect the nature, to recicle, not dirty the streets, to protect the animals who live in this areas and to care the planet where we live.

The trip of my future

In my future I would like to travel to different countries. I think that the most interesting countries to travel are India and Africa. These are poor countries, but full of culture, different and curious gastronomy.
In India the people respect the animals, because in his culture these animals represent the life and they are linked with God, for example the birds, the cow, the elephants. The cow is a sacred animal, so It is forbidden to kill it. The Indians have got some Gods that they represented different things.
In this place I will observe the landscapes, monuments with shape that usually I not see and decorated amazing to me. Also in this country I will like to try the different foods that they do.   I would put on the colorful clothes that Indian women wear, as the sari and all the jewels that they  wear to decorate her body. These jewels have got different meaning for women. They transmit a different things depending of she wear. I will discover the music that they listen and Bollywood, that it is the Indian films.
Other country that I would like to travel is Africa to do a safari. I would like to observe the animals near and to see the different kind, because I love it and I would like to look what they are doing. For me  the animals are very interesting. At the same time I would be surround by nature and tranquility.
I think that travel to these places help us to learn new thinks and discover different cultures for ours. We can to see things and allow me to be more extroverted.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

Nature and culture loss 'linked'

The decrease of the linguistic and cultural diversity is linked to loss of biodiversity. 70% of the world's languages found in places where there are more biodiversity in the world. A study has demostrate that the areas of vegetation are disappearing, and the cultures and the languages are disappearing too.                            
In an article, the researchers pointed out that 6900 of the languages spoken on earth, 4,800 were in regions that contain a high biodiversity.
People are part of the ecosystem, we have to collaborate to conserve the forests, the different species …, trying not to pollute, control the cut down of trees and other activities. Because when we destroy the nature, simultaneously we are destroying us. We destroy places where live people.So if we preserve the nature while we are preserving the language, the culture. It making possible that people can communicate and express themselves

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

Spain's'Indignants' mark protest anniversary

Actually the spanish society is very angry because there are economic problems.The government has cut budgets, increases of tax... The topic that most people worry about high levels of unemployment, because in April was a record. Today a person with a university education isn’t able to find work.
Many people have protested in differents cities in Spain to commemorate the first anniversary of the movement "indignados." There will be demonstrations until there are changes in the political system and they hear the claims. The protester was settle down in the Puerta del Sol of Madrid, but the police threw away all the protesters at midnight, to prevent the protester camped in the square. Luckily there wasn't acts of violence.

This happened in other cities of European countries too, like London, where demonstrators met in front of the Cathedral of St. Paul. In the capital of Portugal and Germany, Frankfurt had the smaller events. In Italy there was a violent demonstration in Livorno the protesters threw firebombs at a office of tax. While the city of Israel, Tel Aviv the people declared about the cost of living.

The richer countries now there are more economic problems. The middle class is disappearing and the rich every time are most rich and the poor are most poor. Making cuts in public health and education, in reality these areas should be supported by government, because everyone have right to minimum health and education.