jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

The trip of my future

In my future I would like to travel to different countries. I think that the most interesting countries to travel are India and Africa. These are poor countries, but full of culture, different and curious gastronomy.
In India the people respect the animals, because in his culture these animals represent the life and they are linked with God, for example the birds, the cow, the elephants. The cow is a sacred animal, so It is forbidden to kill it. The Indians have got some Gods that they represented different things.
In this place I will observe the landscapes, monuments with shape that usually I not see and decorated amazing to me. Also in this country I will like to try the different foods that they do.   I would put on the colorful clothes that Indian women wear, as the sari and all the jewels that they  wear to decorate her body. These jewels have got different meaning for women. They transmit a different things depending of she wear. I will discover the music that they listen and Bollywood, that it is the Indian films.
Other country that I would like to travel is Africa to do a safari. I would like to observe the animals near and to see the different kind, because I love it and I would like to look what they are doing. For me  the animals are very interesting. At the same time I would be surround by nature and tranquility.
I think that travel to these places help us to learn new thinks and discover different cultures for ours. We can to see things and allow me to be more extroverted.

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