miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Final reflectetion

This year I began whith a low level. In my opinion to do writings is the best activity for to learn english. I think that I now to write better. But I didn't improve to speak english, because I don't express correctly. My oral presentation in my opinion will can to be better. I read three books that I like me and I learn news words. The listenings also are a better activity, because I costume to listening to other people speak english. Some times I don't undestand to the people when they speak english. The posdcast is a great project, I fun to doing this activity with classmate.
In the language room I think that we didn't time well spent he hour for to do activities in english.

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

The tobacco

The tobacco is a toxic substance that in the long run it makes worse health of the person consumes it. At the moment there are many people who smoke tobacco and they impose a new law that no smoking in public places, to improve the health of people.
I agree with the new law anti-smoking, but bars, restaurants, industries of tobacco where have lost money because of the law. People shouldn’t smoke in public places where there are people that don’t smoke. Some people don’t like the smell of tobacco and to inhale smoke. Smoker should to respect the other people, because nobody prohibit a person that they ruin their health, but they shouldn’t to ruin the health of people no smoke to cause to inhale smoke.
 In conclusion, the smokers have to smoke in the open air for people who are around they don’t inhale smoke. Because smoking damages health, every year the tobacco produce death and other diseases. People who smoke should stop smoking and they feel better and save more money.

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

The music 

Heavy metal is a type of music that when It appeared to revolutionized the world of the music. It characterize to have a rhythm rapid and stronger, produced by guitar and drums. This music appeared in 1970 with the group Black Sabbath. It had more impact in England and Europe. It is a form of expression free and nothing of repression. Also It created other types of music like the thrash metal, black metal, glam metal…
The topic main of the songs are themes pessimistic, sad, revenge, but too speak of hope, freedom… the songs tell about things totally opposite and are things that people think. The band more know are AC / DC, Led Zappelin, Metallica, Guns N 'Roses', Pink Floyd ...
I don’t like this type of music, but there are some songs that I like, as highway to hell of AC / DC. I know some groups, because I have a friend who likes this type of music and sometimes forces me to listen it. Thanks to him I listen to some songs of this music.

The fruitcake special and other stories

Anna is a chemist woman, she worked at the Amos Cosmetics factory in New Jersey. She was trying to make a new perfume. A day Anna puts a piece of fruitcake into the perfume mix. For her the smell of perfume was normal, it had nothing special. On the other hand the smell of perfume was wonderful for her boss, Mr. Amos. He was an english man and he was married, he invited to dinner to Anna. At the dinner he didn’t interest in her until that she puts on the fruitcake special perfume. The boss and the waiter of the restaurant lose the control of themselves when they smell the perfume. Sabina was boss’s wife, she became jealous of Anne and start a fight between Sabina, Anne and Mr. Amos.
The next day Anne asked her Aunt Mimi the ingredients of the fruitcake, for she would can to do it and she would make most perfume and  would win money, because  with this colony the men became mad of love. Her Aunt said Anne that she bought the cake and the woman who had made it had died. When Anne return to work her boss apology to her and returned to work. Also there was Sabine and she laughed of Anne, so Anne threw the cake to her and Anne gave up work.