domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

Internet and its users can change the world for the better?

Internet is a technology that helps us to do a lot of things, for example to search information, to post advertisements, to communicate with other people… Every day the Internet gets better and we can do more activities. Also it is a very important media because we can obtain information about all the world. You can see the problems of other people and you can help them. With the social networks you can communicate with these people.
On the other hand in Internet there are pages with false information, there are people who steal and the Internet creates addiction. I believe that the Internet can’t change the world for the better, but it can better some things if we want to do it. We must be careful with some pages and activities. 

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is an American television series created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prat and premiered on September 24, 2007.
The main caracters are four boys and a girl: Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper, Penny, a waitress who wants to be an actress, Leonard, Sheldon, aerospace engineer Howard Wolowitz and Raj Koothrappali astrophysicist. In the series show the live these freaks. They are very smart guys and some of his hobbies are strange and some don’t know how to be with girls or with other people. Penny is the girl and she lives in front of them. She seems a very normal girl who spends time with the boys, but she hasn’t nothing in common with them.


Spring Break

Spring break is one week a year when college students can take a break from school, them boyfriend and girlfriend, concerns... American students and Canadians enjoy a week's holiday on the beaches of Mexico, because their country this types party aren’t allowed. This tradition of U.S. universities began in 1960. Every time people from other countries are going to this event for fun. They plan ahead to get the best deal. The most visited places are South Padre Island, Texas, Panama, Florida, Breckenridge, Colorado, Nicaragua, Bahamas, Acapulco and Cancun.
Young people enjoy open bar, of music, dancing and surrounded by thousands of people. Also, this week make shows of artists and DJs. People show in the street drugs, alcohol, have sex in public and they undress.


Concern : preocupació

Ahead: amb anticipació

Deal: oferta

Open bar : barra lliure

Surrounded: envoltat

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

Northern Ireland assembly members seek to outlaw private abortion clinics


The Democratic Unionist Paul Girvan wants to promote legislation in the Northern Ireland Assembly that would make abortions illegal SNS outside the province. Pro-choice and women's groups have criticized the decision, because the women of Northern Ireland can access abortion pills online or have a medical termination in England.
Abortion is an important theme for public health and must be controlled and it is important obey law of abortion. In Northern Ireland don’t agree that they should give a reward to the health centers where made abortions. These criticisms could cause the closure of the only private clinic operating for abortion in Ireland. Abortion is only allowed if the mother is in danger.
There are others people who believe abortion is for the welfare of the mother and child. This has nothing to do with financial benefits.
I can’t believe that the state decides that you have a child whith the abortion law. Abortion should be a decicion each woman. There are many ways of thinking, there are people who are in favour or against of this. But having a child is a big responsibility that we haven,t to accept, because other people are against.


Reward: recompensa

Welfare: benestar

Mother bitten on the bottom by spider in Spain nearly dies after wound became infected by flesh-eating bug


Ms. Isaac, 58, was bitten in the leg by a spider while she was holidays in the swimming pool in southern Spain. After a few days she began to feel ill and she suffered a bruise on his thigh that began to spread. When she couldn’t get up was taken to hospital and admitted to intensive care and surgeons operated to remove the dead tissue from the leg. After a week leg swelled and the bruise had grown. The tests show at the wound had 14 types of bacteria, this indicate that she had a serious infection. She needed some months of therapy to recover i return to Essex.
That lady hasn’t luck, because she mustn’t  be nice to be in another country on holidays and admitted to hospital emergency rooms. Only a spider bite the Ms. Isaac spent months visiting the doctor. I didn’t know that a spider bite could cause those effects.


Wound: ferida

Swell: augmentar

Tissue: teixit

high: cuixa


Oral presentation: the world of science in journalism

I think I should have prepared better oral presentation and that would help me be less nervous. I should haven’t taken the peaper where I had written what I had to say, because this cause that I read the paper.
In the end, the computer problems weren’t  looking good the graphics and my explanation was difficult to understand.

That's a jumbo manicure! Elephant has its tusked trimmed legally as wildlife charities urge crackdown on ivory trade fueled by poaching


Workers cut the tusks of elephants legally, so that the animals can eat more easily. Trimmed ivory tusk is invaluable during a ceremony at the elephant camp Mahawangchang in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. This camp is against poaching, because cutting the tusks without the knowledge of their anatomy is dangerous for animals. Trade of tusk caused that these animals are endangered, so they want to take steps to not continue happening. But there are African states agree that elephants are killed. Although the trade in Thailand is legal if the tusks are of indigenous herds that have been domesticated.
I agree shouls punish the poaching and the illegal sale of the tusks. The avarice of man are making this kind of elephants desappear. We must protect them, because they are part of the naturalesa, the world in which we live. Also keep in mind that there are people who sell the tusks legally and these traders are hurt.



Trim: retallar

Camp: campament

Poaching: caça furtiva

Herd: ramat

The town where McDonald's counts as health food: Tamworth is named obesity capital of Britain


In the city of Tamworth the air is polluted with the smell of grilled burgers and fried food. This is the fat capital of Britain'that affects adults and children. There you can see plenty of fast food shops.
A example is a woman who ate too much and her meal had too much calories. Shannon had always controlled her weight, for having strong bones and be healthy. When his daughter was born she began reducing the amount of food, she did more exercise and is now thinner.
The Tamworth pig is a local delicacy, one of the oldest of all varieties of pig, was raised for the first time in this city. However, now this species is endangered and is protected, so you can’t eat it. People continue eating fried pig and other fried foods caused that to most of the population mitat is obese. The population blame politics for installing so many fast food restaurants. But that isn’t so, everyone chooses what they want eat, no one forced them. These people don’t know what is a healthy diet and connsider that McDonalds is a healthy food restaurant.
Usual diseases in this area are heart disease and diabetes. Health service wants to invest money for obesity prevention. They built the Snowdome with a pool of 25 m but the people don’t use it. The population don’t  do any sports and they don’t think of themselves as fat people.
In my opinion, they should do a campaign for people of that city to realize that eating so much junk food causes health problems. They gradually improve their life and that would cause some junk food restaurants to close because people would not go. Although we must bear in mind that Cambar eating habits is difficult.


Plenty: bastant

Raise: alimentar animals/criar

Smiling and waving before trip of a lifetime: Heartbreaking newly released footage shows British tourists before taking off in Egyptian hot-air balloon which crashed moments later, killing 19


Flight organizers videotaped the passengers to sell them and like this the accident was recorded. Firstly you can see the excitement of the passengers for flying over the Valley of the Kings, Egypt.
Later, the hot air balloon exploded, caught fire and crashed into the ground, killing 19 people. Two people survived, Michael Rennie was a tourist and the pilot who is  29 year old, Momen Murad. They jumped out of the balloon when the balloon yet hadn’t risen to a great height. Some of the dead people are Mrs. Rennie who was an artist and appraiser Joe Bampton who was 40 years old, and his girlfriend Suzanna Gyetvai who was 34 years.
The balloon caught fire because they believe that someone cut the gas burner tube. Ahmed Mohamed Al Yemen, the deputy attorney of Luxor, is the person in charge of investigating the accident. Investigatiors are looking for evidence of a technical malfunction of a gas canister used, because it seems that is responsible for the accident.
The balloons are controlled so that there is no accident, so this event is a bit strange. I think that may have been caused because the gas burner tube was cut. Also that part of the globe is the one that tis more controlled so as not to cause any explosion, because gas is a dangerous product.


Exploded: explotar

Risen: elevat

Appraiser: tasador

Evidence: proves