sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

That's a jumbo manicure! Elephant has its tusked trimmed legally as wildlife charities urge crackdown on ivory trade fueled by poaching


Workers cut the tusks of elephants legally, so that the animals can eat more easily. Trimmed ivory tusk is invaluable during a ceremony at the elephant camp Mahawangchang in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. This camp is against poaching, because cutting the tusks without the knowledge of their anatomy is dangerous for animals. Trade of tusk caused that these animals are endangered, so they want to take steps to not continue happening. But there are African states agree that elephants are killed. Although the trade in Thailand is legal if the tusks are of indigenous herds that have been domesticated.
I agree shouls punish the poaching and the illegal sale of the tusks. The avarice of man are making this kind of elephants desappear. We must protect them, because they are part of the naturalesa, the world in which we live. Also keep in mind that there are people who sell the tusks legally and these traders are hurt.



Trim: retallar

Camp: campament

Poaching: caça furtiva

Herd: ramat

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