sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

Mother bitten on the bottom by spider in Spain nearly dies after wound became infected by flesh-eating bug


Ms. Isaac, 58, was bitten in the leg by a spider while she was holidays in the swimming pool in southern Spain. After a few days she began to feel ill and she suffered a bruise on his thigh that began to spread. When she couldn’t get up was taken to hospital and admitted to intensive care and surgeons operated to remove the dead tissue from the leg. After a week leg swelled and the bruise had grown. The tests show at the wound had 14 types of bacteria, this indicate that she had a serious infection. She needed some months of therapy to recover i return to Essex.
That lady hasn’t luck, because she mustn’t  be nice to be in another country on holidays and admitted to hospital emergency rooms. Only a spider bite the Ms. Isaac spent months visiting the doctor. I didn’t know that a spider bite could cause those effects.


Wound: ferida

Swell: augmentar

Tissue: teixit

high: cuixa


1 comentario:

  1. I think, that this woman was very unlucky because in Spain I think there are few cases of these, because there are few such spiders compared to other places like Australia, Indonesia ...

    So I think that doctors aren't so specialized in curing these bites for this.
