domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Indonesia: religious minorities targets of rising violence

Every day there are more groups of Indianeses attacking places of worship and religious minorities members, for example Christians, Shiite Muslims and Ahmadiyahs. Indonesia recognizes six religions and there are more of 115 types of religious beliefs. Yudhoyono said that violent attacks will be persecuted and increase religious tolerance, allowing these people to marry... Besides the authorities must protect those affected. So far the government haven't given importance and many of the perpetrators of the attacks haven’t been punished.
I can not believe how these events still happen in the world, because in many countries there is religious tolerance and religions coexist without much trouble. People can live and share things although they are of a different religion. While any religious affects other people have the same rights as other religions. Some people don’t accept other religion than their own, but that doesn’t mean you can attack those people.
This situation in Indonesia can not change from one day to the other and neither can an individual change it. So the government has to do something to protect the rights of people and that way they can live together without problems.


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