domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Child sacrifice in Uganda increasing

In Uganda kill to children in the rituals, thy give thanks for the wealth and good health of the tribe. Few years ago this ritual was unknown, because there weren’t many dead of children as there are nowadays. The police are trying to end with the killing of children. This coincide with thee grow economic of Uganda. The population of Uganda kill to children and then they sell them to other people for a lot of money. Witch doctors kill to children for money.
This year a BBC reporter investigated the death of children in rituals and she found more dead of children that the police didn’t know.
I think that the police of this country have that to do controls about the exchange of dead children. I think that every place has its customs and we should to respect. But to kill a child for earn money, is horrible.

Cholesterol screening for kids

In United States is the country with more obese children, so the childrens have doig periodically tested to control the cholesterol. The health associations try to take action to prevent it because the coresterol produces many health problems. The associations are doig guides to eat healthy, to inform people about the problems that caused the cholesterol and identified the children with this illness.
This country hasn’t healthy and varied food, so I think people have the habit of eat unhealthy food. The obesity causes problems of health and also produces psychologist problems, for example is more difficult to find clothes and feel good. Especially nowadays that people are very superficial. I agree with what the health associations doing with this problem.

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

Summer with my friend

Few years ago my mother worked with a man, he was Italian and called Luchiano. He had two grandchildren, Violet and Julia. Julia had the same age that my sister and me. They live in Italy and on the summer comes to Empuriabrava. Every summer we met her, Julia explain us things that happen during the year. She teach me Italian words, her customs… I think that the things she says me are very interesting.
Julia is fun and friendly girl. I teach she speak better spanish. She likes languages, she learned to speak Italian, spanish, German and english. When we are together going the cinema, to walk, sometimes we go to fish with her grandfather and also we go to the pool, because we like to swim.
Usually on the winter we don’t communicate us, but sometimes we find in the skype.

I will speak of the langur which are a kind of animal, because I love animals. I choose the langur because I think that is a nice monkey and curious for its color. Is an animal that I didn’t know.
First I will speak where you can find these animal. Then I will explain what they eat and its behaviour. Finally, I will explain how they are like of.
François langur is a kind the world’s rarest monkeys. They live in north-east of Vietnam and two cities from China. They live in forests. They aren’t in danger of extinction. At the moment there are more or less 2000 langurs worldwide. The population of this type of monkey has been reduced and the principal cause is the hunt and the lost of its habitat. China’s population believed that this animal is medicinal.
In the United States zoos are 60 langurs of this species in captivity.


The François monkeys feed with the leaves of the trees, so they have long limbs and slender hands and feet, and toes very short and black. Also they eat fruits, flowers, seeds, plant roots and drink some water.


The monkeys are active all the day and spend most of their time in trees. They are noisy. They are more than five hours a day cleaning their fur. Environmental factors influencing social behaviour.
3-4 years they are adults, but they take 6-7 years to grow physically.
Physically they are small monkeys. They have a high crest of hair on its head, large and reised. The fur of adult monkeys is black and when are young monkey’s fur are bright orange. The face of François langur has a short snout, always surprised expression. It digest food very slowly, so have the bulging belly. Hands and feet are black with short thumbs.


I have enjoy doing this project, because I knew where to look for information. I learned more things about an animal that I didn’t know that exist.


I think that I was very nervous and I forget the information that I had to say. I stopped when I spoke and I didn’t speak fluent. I would have to look less the paper. Also I think that my powerpoint had mistakes. I could have done better the next time.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

Brazilian police invade Rio's biggest slum

Brazilian police backed by armoured military vehicles have invaded Rio de Janeiro's biggest slum.
Hundreds of black-clad, rifle-armed officers began swarming into the Rocinha shantytown early on Sunday.
Experts say it is the most important step yet in bringing security to Rio de Janeiro before it hosts matches in the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games.
About 100,000 people live in Rocinha, which is the biggest drug distribution point in Rio. The slum straddles a green mountainside above upmarket neighbourhoods.
The action is part of a policing programme that sees elite police units force heavily armed drug gangs from shantytowns they have controlled for decades, before authorities set up a permanent police presence.
Officials are counting on the major sporting events to signal Brazil's arrival as a global economic, political and cultural power.
"Rocinha is one of the most strategically important points for police to control in Rio de Janeiro," said Paulo Storani, a security consultant and former captain in the elite BOPE police unit leading the raid.
"The pacification of Rocinha means that authorities have closed a security loop around the areas that will host most of the Olympic and World Cup activities."
The Rocinha slum is home to about 100,000 people living in flimsy shacks that sprawl over a mountainside separating some of Rio's richest neighbourhoods. The location has made it one of the most lucrative and largest drug distribution points in the city.
Some estimates say the Friends of Friends gang that has controlled Rocinha and the neighbouring Vidigal slum make more than 50 million dollars in drug sales annually.
Much of the sales are to tourists staying in the posh beach neighbourhoods of Leblon, Ipanema and Copacabana and to middle and upper-class Brazilians who live in them.
"This action is a huge blow to the structure of drug trafficking in Rio de Janeiro and against the second-largest drug faction," Mr Storani said.
"Beyond that, it's essential to have security in this area simply because of the huge number of people who circulate there."
The raid of Rocinha comes near the end of a watershed year in the fight against drug gangs that rule more than half of Rio's 1,000 slums, where about one-third of the city's six million residents live.
Rio's program of installing permanent "police pacification units" in slums started in 2008.
The slums initially targeted were not among the most violent. But last November, gangs struck back with a weeklong spree of attacks that included burning buses and staging armed robberies of motorists on highways, spreading fear and chaos. At least 36 people died in the violence, mostly suspected drug traffickers fighting with police.
The surge of violence prompted police to invade the much-feared Alemao complex of slums on Rio's north side, near a highway leading to the international airport. Police routed the gangsters and took control within hours, imbuing the city with a new confidence that its security woes might be overcome even though most gang leaders had escaped capture.

Brazilian police invade Rio's biggest slum

On sunday morning hundred armed men entered with armored vehicles in Rochina a slum in Rio de Janeiro. Rochina is the largest drug distribution area where about 100,000 people live. Most buyers are tourists who stay at the elegant zone of the beach and the brazilian middle and upper class.
To have more security in this country, the police watches the armed drug gangs. They are also violent people, one time they burned buses and stole at gunpoint, that caused deaths. In Brazil the police are trying to stop drug trafficking and crime, so for the next Olympic Games Brazil won’t have any problems. Also the people that live here are more safe. This project of surveillance began in 2008.

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Podcast: Interview with Pedro Almodovar

Here is one of the most famous producers of Spain, who will answer some questions.

1. Where are you from?

I borned in Calzada de Calatrava, Ciudad Real in 1949.

2. When did you start with this?

I began when I was young. When I went at the first cinema of my village I was 8 and I started to write comics scripts when I was 16.

3. Had you got a lot of opportunities?

No, because I can’t study in the Escuela Oficial de Cine ‘cause Franco has just closed it and I have to worked a lot to buy my first camera.

4. What topics predominates in your movies?

The topics that are appearing more in my movies are love and suffering but I also tell about the society.

5. What are the sources of your imagination?

I’m inspired from nature, experiences, history and literature.

6. Is your family influence on your work?

No, I don't look in my family when I write scripts, but when the characters in the script is for a family I look at families in general.

7. How do you design your films?

I based the films in the actual history situation and I mix this with the past. In this context I developed an other story with a different topic. I relate an history topic with a sentimental.

8. What is your best success in your opinion?

“La piel que habito” and “Volver” I think that are a excellent film.

9. Can you tell we an anecdote?

Yes of course! One day when we were at a repetition the dog of one of the cameraman nibbled and slobbered the actors scripts.

10. Are you preparing an other film?

No at the moment.

Thanks you for answer our questions and good continuation ...

Thirteen & Adrian Mole

Adrian Mole and Tracy are teens in the story and they explain how difficult life is for a teenager and as their lives change. The two characters suffer the divorce of their parents. The differences between these stories is that Adrian’s life was wrong and he decided that wanted to improve it and he also wanted to improve as a person. On the other hand Tracy's life is pretty good but she wanted to be popular and since her life changed for worse, she began to have problems.
At the beginning of the movie Tracy is a good student and a decent girl. When she started the course she turned into a rebellious girl. I think that at the beginning she herself is because she doesn’t accept herself, she hasn’t got a strony and is very influence. So Tracy wants to look like Evie, she was the prettiest girl and most popular of the school. Evie and other evil influences are to blame that Tracy took drugs, stole and was sexually promiscuous. That caused problems with her family and she started to cut in her arms.
Tracy is a victim of fashion, because she wanted to have everything that other girls had. She wanted to be popular, fell beautiful, have a nice body, wear provocative and expensive clothes.
I think that it is a shocking movie for teenagers, because there are many guys who have the same problems. Situations that are difficult to live. For me the most shocking was that Tracy made cutted her arms, she gets hurt.
I know a girl that had problems with her family, she had eating disorders, so her attitude changed a lot. Now she has other friends and she does differents things.

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

The day that I went to Port Aventura Park I had got up very early. I boarded the bus and I went to Tarragona. It took us two hours to arrive there. During the journey in the bus we were talking, taking pictures and listening to music. Also there were people sleeping.
In Port Aventura we were queuing up for to the attractions. In an attraction I was looking at a screen when my friends entered the room where the seats were. I ran at the room and then the doors closed and the enternaiment started. We continued the attractions but before we went to eat.
Finally, at nine o’clock Port Aventura Park closed and we got on the bus to go home. After an hour the bus driver stopped and we rested. Then we continued until we arrived home. On the bus some people were sleeping. When the day finished I was very tired because I had walked a lot and it was hot though. I enjoyed it because my friends were fun and I like the attractions.


The movie explains the life of the protagonist Tracy. She is a teenager of thirteen years, she is a good student, has a nice relationship with her parents and has a friend called Noel. Her mother, Mel is a hairdresser and she has boyfriend who was a drug addict.
When Tracy started the school year other girls laughed at her dress, so she decided to change her clothes, and dress as the popular girls of high school. One day, one of the popular girls, Evie invited Tracy to go shopping and she gave her mobile number. Tracy tried to call her, but the mobile number was false and she went downtown to meet them. Since Evie and Tracy were good friends. Tracy imitated everything enjoyed. Evie did all possible to stay at Tracy’s home. She explained to Mel, that her mother had died and that she lived with Brooke, her legal guardian. Also she told her that Brooke's boyfriend ill-treated her. Mel discovered that everything that Evie said was true and tried to help her. Evie transformed Tracy in to a drug addict and problematic girl. Tracy started to have problems with his family and she repeated the course year in the school. Mel realized that everything had changed when Evie arrived at her pace and decided to bring Evie back his to her pace.
Evie was angry and brought trouble upon Tracy. When Brooke found drugs in Evie's room, she told that everything was Tracy’s. So they looked into Tracy's room and found more drugs. Tracy was returning waiting for her from school when she found her mother, Brooke and Evie in the livingroom. Brooke decided to move to another city with Evie so that Tracy couldn’t see her anymore. Mel discovered her daughter cutted in her arms. The film ends with Tracy crying and falling as sleep in her mother’s arms.