viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Thirteen & Adrian Mole

Adrian Mole and Tracy are teens in the story and they explain how difficult life is for a teenager and as their lives change. The two characters suffer the divorce of their parents. The differences between these stories is that Adrian’s life was wrong and he decided that wanted to improve it and he also wanted to improve as a person. On the other hand Tracy's life is pretty good but she wanted to be popular and since her life changed for worse, she began to have problems.
At the beginning of the movie Tracy is a good student and a decent girl. When she started the course she turned into a rebellious girl. I think that at the beginning she herself is because she doesn’t accept herself, she hasn’t got a strony and is very influence. So Tracy wants to look like Evie, she was the prettiest girl and most popular of the school. Evie and other evil influences are to blame that Tracy took drugs, stole and was sexually promiscuous. That caused problems with her family and she started to cut in her arms.
Tracy is a victim of fashion, because she wanted to have everything that other girls had. She wanted to be popular, fell beautiful, have a nice body, wear provocative and expensive clothes.
I think that it is a shocking movie for teenagers, because there are many guys who have the same problems. Situations that are difficult to live. For me the most shocking was that Tracy made cutted her arms, she gets hurt.
I know a girl that had problems with her family, she had eating disorders, so her attitude changed a lot. Now she has other friends and she does differents things.

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