sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012


1. http://thebaxilleratenglish-a.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/do-you-want-to-know-how-my-ideal-music.html#comment-form

2. http://fatroto.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/humor_11.html?showComment=1353810070558#c286016746366340548

3. http://raizaenglish2nbat.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/pollution.html?showComment=1353810987754#c8109016022490268664

NASA's ingenious moon simulator that helped prepare Apollo astronauts to land where no one had gone before

Ingenious Simulator NASA moon helped prepare the Apollo astronauts to land where no one had gone before. It is a high technology simulator was designed to represent the surface of the moon and the astronaut could identify.
The machine has a stall, a system of TV and four large scale models that represent parts of the lunar surface. The simulator also represented the conditions of the atmosphere. It was designed to develop techniques for the moon rocket landing on the moon. But later NASA saw that the simulator has mistakes.
I didn’t know that exist a simulator of the surface of the moon. Most surprising is that reproduced the conditions and any man had walked on the moon.

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2237819/NASAs-ingenious-moon-simulator-helped-prepare-Apollo-astronauts-land-gone-before.html

Ready for your close up? Photographer snaps elephants, tigers and lions from just a few FEET away

Brad Wilson is a photographer who makes portraits of animals. While he nearer to them he gives them food. He began working with wild animals that were hungry, for example mountain lions, cheetahs, orangutans ... But these animals have been trained not to attack people. The photographer explains that it was difficult to bring the study of animals. To make the photos had to find the perfect time and take the photo.
I've seen pictures of the different animals that did this photographer and are amazing. The photos give feeling of movement and don’t seem a photo, but it seems that you have in front of the animal.

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2237828/Brad-Wilson-photography-Ready-close-Elephants-tigers-lions-just-FEET-away.html

The influence of psychologists on ours society

The mind has to be healthy, this is the most important, for all the other things of the life to be good. For that exist the doctor, but psychologists aren’t exactly a doctor and they help us stay well mentally. Every time more and more people are going to a psychologist because they feel bad psychologically.
I think that psychologists are well considered, because there are many people who visit a psychologist. Although some people are embarrassed to say that they visit a psychologist, but nowadays many people visit a psychologist and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I know people who visit a psychologist and some people have told me it helped they and since they visit a psychologist they feel better.
Finally, I believe that psychologists are the answer to our psychological necessities, because going to a psychologist help many people overcome their problems. Not only is good thing because psychologists help to resolve problems of other people, he talk with his patients without the need of medication.

My toxic friend

 I have a friend called Alisson, she never thinks about other people and only thinks of herself. Therefore, she always wants to do what she wants. I never said anything until a few days ago. I said her that this weekend we weren’t going to leave because I sprained a foot and we were going to see a film at home, but she was angry because she really wanted to go to a party. Since that day we spoke very little and she doesn’t explain to me the things that she explained me before. Every time she has less friends, because nobody can put up with her, she maltreats her friends and believe that everything she does is the best. At the end she won’t have any friends.
I believe that the solution to this problem is that she changes her behavior and don’t ignore me. But I don’t think that going to happen, so the solution is that she ends up with no friends and she sees herself that she is a bad person and changes. She will think more about other people and that must respect other people. 

 Hello, teacher
My name is Sabrina and I’m 16 years old. I live with my parents and my twin sister in Empuriabrava. We have a dog and a rabbit, but I would like to have more animals because I love animals. But I’m afraid of insects. Sometimes my sister and I go running or skating, but we don’t like to go the gym, because we prefer to do exercise outside. Also I like painting, meeting my friends and cooking.
When I finish Btx, I would like to study biology at the University of Barcelona, but I’m not sure because I don’t have a clear idea yet. Despite our parents not wanting us to move, probably my sister and I will be going to live in the city.
Anybody can know how your future would be, but I would like that after the studies I want to have a good job to travel to different countries, for example India, Mexico, Greece… Also, I would like to get married and have twins as my sister and I, but a boy and a girl. 

Royal Mail to step up action against dog owners after more than 3,000 attacks on postal workers in a year

The Royal Mail have to further action against the owners of dogs that attack postal workers. Also the postal group have taken action against owners of dangerous dogs, that would mean that those houses wouldn’t  get the letters. Each year there are more 3,000 dog attacks. Dogs cause the postmen injuries, traumas and some die.
New laws have been made in Wales, Ireland and Scotland for  to prevent dog attacks in the postman.
I believe that is right that these countries are making new laws to protect postmen. Owners of dangerous dogs should are tied,shut up somewhere or wear a muzzle. Because this article talks about the attacks on mail carriers, but these dogs can also attack other people, including the owner.

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2237709/Royal-Mail-step-action-dog-owners-3-000-attacks-postal-workers-year.html

Dying children's hopes are dashed after 'donor' who pledged £1million to fund search for a cure disappears

Jack Baird is a child, he’s two year old. He has a deadly disease with has no cure. This disease cause a serious mental and physical deterioration. He was choose for a drug testing and after he was going to operate for a organ donation, in exchange for 1 million pounds. The organization made the tests with the child, but the child wasn’t operated. This was the only hope for parents to find a cure for the illness of their son, because their oldest son also has the same disease. Now her parents are collecting money for to go to trial with the organization.20 childrens have been affected by this organization. But through facebook found a possible donor for one of the children. Also an anonymous person offered them 500,000 pounds to make the trial.Others people have helped other children. Although there isn’t treatment for the disease and these children wouldn’t live beyond adolescence. There is only one medicine to extend the lives of these patients.I think it’s very cruel action of this organization, because they knew it would be very easy to lie parents with sick children. Besides the children were tested with drugs and the parents risking to cure their children. But thanks to all forms of communication that exist people saw the problem of these children and they ​​contact with the parents. There are very good people, they are able to help people who don’t know and give all you can.

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2237768/Childrens-hopes-dashed-cure-rare-disease-donor-pledged-1m-disappears.html


Podcast: plastic surgery

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Woman who used Black and Decker drill to bore a hole into her head live on TV in bizarre health ritual dies a decade later... from drug abuse

Heather Perry is 41 years old trying to treat your health problems making herself a hole in the head with an electric drill. She believed it would be less pressure on his brain to relieve chronic fatigue syndrome and headaches. She had to go to hospital because she made a very deep hole but she survived.
In an interview she said that after listening to John Lennon she inspired to make the "treppaning". She traveled to the EEUU to do the “trepanning”, because that's legal.
But after she got better, her doctor said that she improved in their disease.
She declared that is normal people say that is a very dangerous and absurd action. But some experts say that this method increases blood flow and increases brain function.
After ten years this woman died of a depression caused by taking drugs.
I think this woman had a psychological problem, because what she did is crazy. With this news we can see how can manipulate you someone famous, the television, advertising ... and we can do dangerous things.

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2236861/Woman-used-drill-bore-hole-head-live-TV-bizarre-health-ritual-dies-drug-abuse.html

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

RSPB investigates the mysterious deaths of thousands of migrating birds lost at sea

Many people in Britain say that  they have seen many garden birds disoriented, they falling on sea, because they was tired and they drowned. On the east coast have come thousands birds and many dead. The RSPB is investigating the death of thousands of migratory birds like thrushes, robins and other.
This is an incredible phenomenon that has affected these species of birds. These birds from northern Scandinavia, where the weather was fine, but during migration they found foggy and strong winds to the coast of England. As a consequence the birds were disoriented.
Now, come the first cold snap this year and came to England birds looking food. So has warned to gardeners and farmers not to cut hedgerows of berries.
I chose this news, because I love animals and I find it very interesting the fauna and vegetation. They are part of the world that we live and they are important to the ecosystem.  For this reason I think that is an important phenomenon, because many birds have killed. People seem an important issue and they have helped to get food to the birds when they come in  to the country.

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2232285/RSPB-investigates-mysterious-deaths-thousands-migrating-birds-lost-sea.html 

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Final reflectetion

This year I began whith a low level. In my opinion to do writings is the best activity for to learn english. I think that I now to write better. But I didn't improve to speak english, because I don't express correctly. My oral presentation in my opinion will can to be better. I read three books that I like me and I learn news words. The listenings also are a better activity, because I costume to listening to other people speak english. Some times I don't undestand to the people when they speak english. The posdcast is a great project, I fun to doing this activity with classmate.
In the language room I think that we didn't time well spent he hour for to do activities in english.

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

The tobacco

The tobacco is a toxic substance that in the long run it makes worse health of the person consumes it. At the moment there are many people who smoke tobacco and they impose a new law that no smoking in public places, to improve the health of people.
I agree with the new law anti-smoking, but bars, restaurants, industries of tobacco where have lost money because of the law. People shouldn’t smoke in public places where there are people that don’t smoke. Some people don’t like the smell of tobacco and to inhale smoke. Smoker should to respect the other people, because nobody prohibit a person that they ruin their health, but they shouldn’t to ruin the health of people no smoke to cause to inhale smoke.
 In conclusion, the smokers have to smoke in the open air for people who are around they don’t inhale smoke. Because smoking damages health, every year the tobacco produce death and other diseases. People who smoke should stop smoking and they feel better and save more money.

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

The music 

Heavy metal is a type of music that when It appeared to revolutionized the world of the music. It characterize to have a rhythm rapid and stronger, produced by guitar and drums. This music appeared in 1970 with the group Black Sabbath. It had more impact in England and Europe. It is a form of expression free and nothing of repression. Also It created other types of music like the thrash metal, black metal, glam metal…
The topic main of the songs are themes pessimistic, sad, revenge, but too speak of hope, freedom… the songs tell about things totally opposite and are things that people think. The band more know are AC / DC, Led Zappelin, Metallica, Guns N 'Roses', Pink Floyd ...
I don’t like this type of music, but there are some songs that I like, as highway to hell of AC / DC. I know some groups, because I have a friend who likes this type of music and sometimes forces me to listen it. Thanks to him I listen to some songs of this music.

The fruitcake special and other stories

Anna is a chemist woman, she worked at the Amos Cosmetics factory in New Jersey. She was trying to make a new perfume. A day Anna puts a piece of fruitcake into the perfume mix. For her the smell of perfume was normal, it had nothing special. On the other hand the smell of perfume was wonderful for her boss, Mr. Amos. He was an english man and he was married, he invited to dinner to Anna. At the dinner he didn’t interest in her until that she puts on the fruitcake special perfume. The boss and the waiter of the restaurant lose the control of themselves when they smell the perfume. Sabina was boss’s wife, she became jealous of Anne and start a fight between Sabina, Anne and Mr. Amos.
The next day Anne asked her Aunt Mimi the ingredients of the fruitcake, for she would can to do it and she would make most perfume and  would win money, because  with this colony the men became mad of love. Her Aunt said Anne that she bought the cake and the woman who had made it had died. When Anne return to work her boss apology to her and returned to work. Also there was Sabine and she laughed of Anne, so Anne threw the cake to her and Anne gave up work.

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Granada’s city

Last summer I went on holidays to Granada. It is a big and beautiful town. There are a lot of parks. In the parks there are some flowers of different colours and big fountains with decoration. It is very relaxing to stay there and to listen to the sound of water of the fountains.

The most important monument in Granada is La Alhambra where the Islamic kings lived. In la Alhambra there are fountains decorated with Islamic shapes and some statues of animals. This monument has got a big garden, and there are some flowers, trees and bushes. In some areas of the gardens are show. The castle there are tall towers and in the balconies you can to see the different shapes of the bushes.  

Other places that there are near to Granada are Jaen, Sierra Nevada... I recommend to go on holidays to Granada, because I liked the landscape full of vegetation, ancient buildings and architecture Islamic. The weather is fine and the people are cheerful and extroverted. In the narrow streets you can to find small shops where there are Arab interesting things. Also on the streets you can to see show of clowns, musicians, painters…

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

The most resistant material develop by the nature is the spiderweb

The diamond and the spiderweb are most resistant material that the nature created. It’s very surprising that the spiderweb seem so fragile and in reality is more resistant than five sheet of steel. There are spiders that it is spinning all day. These spiderwebs are death traps, because in the traps the other insects stay hook and later the spiders eat it, these spiders live so. Also they make doors to their burrows in the ground for that they can to move. The scientist Markus Buehler found out that the web is so resistant because it is to consist to the distribution of hydrogen bond that exist between proteins. The thread of a spider can to stretch until thirty centimeters and it doesn’t break.
Technology has been researching to create artificial materials that it is very resistant, but the materials created by nature are more resistant. I think that the discovery of the resistant spiderweb in the future will can to make things with this material.

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

The gardens of London 2012

London wanted to create parks of wild flowers to decorate around of the Olympic Park. But expert gardener said that the climate of Britain continuosly is changing and so it can’t to grow and there will not flowers to the Olympics Games London 2012. To cause for a rainy month and bad weather, the parks of flowers were damage, but experts said that it come back to grow without problem.
LOCOG organizers created a program “Garden Games”, to cheer the people up to plant flowers and vegetables with the Olympics colors. Also participated the “Master Organic Garden” and one thousand voluntaries help to prepare the gardens for the event.
LOCOG is giving piece of advice about how transform individual gardens and public gardens in schools and around the workplace.
Since two years, they were doing proves in the field to arrive the event  with the gardens ready. In the parks planted 4.000 trees, 300.000 plants of damp areas, 15.000 square meter of grass and 150.000 perennial plants and shrub. They put 250 benchs in the parks.  At the same time they created habitats for animals, for exemple frogs, bats and wall lizards.
In my opinion with these activities for look after the gardens, plant flowers... the London city obtained economic benefits. Too to cheer the english people up to protect the nature, to recicle, not dirty the streets, to protect the animals who live in this areas and to care the planet where we live.

The trip of my future

In my future I would like to travel to different countries. I think that the most interesting countries to travel are India and Africa. These are poor countries, but full of culture, different and curious gastronomy.
In India the people respect the animals, because in his culture these animals represent the life and they are linked with God, for example the birds, the cow, the elephants. The cow is a sacred animal, so It is forbidden to kill it. The Indians have got some Gods that they represented different things.
In this place I will observe the landscapes, monuments with shape that usually I not see and decorated amazing to me. Also in this country I will like to try the different foods that they do.   I would put on the colorful clothes that Indian women wear, as the sari and all the jewels that they  wear to decorate her body. These jewels have got different meaning for women. They transmit a different things depending of she wear. I will discover the music that they listen and Bollywood, that it is the Indian films.
Other country that I would like to travel is Africa to do a safari. I would like to observe the animals near and to see the different kind, because I love it and I would like to look what they are doing. For me  the animals are very interesting. At the same time I would be surround by nature and tranquility.
I think that travel to these places help us to learn new thinks and discover different cultures for ours. We can to see things and allow me to be more extroverted.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

Nature and culture loss 'linked'

The decrease of the linguistic and cultural diversity is linked to loss of biodiversity. 70% of the world's languages found in places where there are more biodiversity in the world. A study has demostrate that the areas of vegetation are disappearing, and the cultures and the languages are disappearing too.                            
In an article, the researchers pointed out that 6900 of the languages spoken on earth, 4,800 were in regions that contain a high biodiversity.
People are part of the ecosystem, we have to collaborate to conserve the forests, the different species …, trying not to pollute, control the cut down of trees and other activities. Because when we destroy the nature, simultaneously we are destroying us. We destroy places where live people.So if we preserve the nature while we are preserving the language, the culture. It making possible that people can communicate and express themselves

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

Spain's'Indignants' mark protest anniversary

Actually the spanish society is very angry because there are economic problems.The government has cut budgets, increases of tax... The topic that most people worry about high levels of unemployment, because in April was a record. Today a person with a university education isn’t able to find work.
Many people have protested in differents cities in Spain to commemorate the first anniversary of the movement "indignados." There will be demonstrations until there are changes in the political system and they hear the claims. The protester was settle down in the Puerta del Sol of Madrid, but the police threw away all the protesters at midnight, to prevent the protester camped in the square. Luckily there wasn't acts of violence.

This happened in other cities of European countries too, like London, where demonstrators met in front of the Cathedral of St. Paul. In the capital of Portugal and Germany, Frankfurt had the smaller events. In Italy there was a violent demonstration in Livorno the protesters threw firebombs at a office of tax. While the city of Israel, Tel Aviv the people declared about the cost of living.

The richer countries now there are more economic problems. The middle class is disappearing and the rich every time are most rich and the poor are most poor. Making cuts in public health and education, in reality these areas should be supported by government, because everyone have right to minimum health and education.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

The carnival of Río de Janeiro

A good friend

A good friend

Natalia is a great friend for me, because I admire her. She hasn’t the best body of the world but she is very pretty, tall and really nice. She’s blonde hair, brown eyes and she has thick lips. She is very vain, she likes to dress well, to put on her make-up and feel well with herself.

She is extroverted and she likes to know and try new things. She has many friends and is particularly happy, she is always dancing and doing a lot of crazy things. She doesn’t like to study and is very dreamy. She loves dancing, it doesn’t matter where she is, when she listens to music, she dances.

I trust on her very much , she never lie and between us explain everything that happens. We’ve been friends for seven years and she has never let me down.

The Sagrada Família

The Sagrada Familia is the most important monument of Barcelona. The architect of this project was Antonio Gaudí. This monument was begun by Francisco de Paula del Villar, but It was finished by Antonio Gaudí. He changed the building that it was built. When Antonio Gaudí died, he left the map to other person can to continue with the project and finish it. But this monument is not finished. The church is built with the donations that people give, so nobody know when the church finished of built.

The church is full of Christian symbols. For example the windows decorations show the life of Jesus and the history of the faith. It there are eighteen bell towers that symbolize Jesus, the Mother of God, four gospel and twelve apostles. In the interior there are column devoted to Christian cities and continents.

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

The carnival of Río de Janeiro

The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil celebrate forty days before of Pasquas. It marks the beginning of Lent. It is consider the main art show and always appears in the cultural pages of the world. It is a festival popular that for days and this year have more of seven samba schools and there are 72 500 of spectators.
it celebrated in the Sambadrome Sapucaí Marquis that it has been expanded to the carnival of this year, with a design of its creator, the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer.
There were songs and scenes that homage to famous artists, for example Jorge Amado,Candido Portinari and Romero Britto and African cultures and Angola brazilian culture and other topics. After the carnival chose samba school winner.
the Carnival in Brazil is very different compared to the Carnival of Catalunya as the cloth, music, dance, floats...

A young university with a long future ahead of it

The Universitat Autònima de Barcelona (UAB) was founded in 1968. The founders aimed to establish four principles of autonomy: freedom to select teaching staff, admission available to all students (although in limited numbers), freedom to create its own study plants and freedom to administrate the univeristy’s capital. It is therefore a young university, but in its short history it has moved fordware at a rapid pace.
UAB’s structure includes three campuses, all in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and its outskirt.

The new explain that the UAB’s structure includes three campus. One of there is in the Universitat Atònoma. This campus as well as to a significant scientific and technological cluster. This institute create to meet the specific needs for important fields of researched.

We agree that the University carry out the three new campus. This means that are many students in the UAB, 78 undergraduate courses, 125 official master.